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iBiZZtax Cloud Product Launching & Appreciation Dinner 2019

Updated: Aug 14, 2019

8月4日一场结合三维全息影像的高科技梦幻产品推介礼,东南亚唯一的税务云端 - iBiZZtax隆重诞生了! iBiZZtax税务云端优点众多, 其中以便捷及高端安全保安为首。只需链接互联网, 无论何时何地, 任何设备亦可审批修改税务报表。 当晚, ALgoBiZZ集团为酬谢宴请这些年一直默默支持集团产品用户们。ALgoBiZZ集团,因有你们而美好!

On 4th August 2019, iBiZZtax Cloud, the only cloud tax software in South East Asia was officially launched in a high-tech themed 3D Holographic show at a product launching ceremony. iBiZZtax Cloud is user friendly, time saving and highly secured. It is accessible from anywhere, anytime and any device as long as it is connected to the internet. It was also a night where we at ALgoBiZZ Berhad presented awards and gifts to our users as a show of appreciation for their continuous support over the years. We are what we are today because of YOU.

iBiZZtax税务云端推介礼, 圆满落幕!感谢远道而来出席的用户及亲友们。 iBiZZtax Cloud Product Launching mission accomplished!

Thanks for the presence of all partners, users, guests, friends and relatives.



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